We create
Killer-quality demo reels for actors and brands

We’ve helped hundreds of actors secure representation and land major roles in films, commercials, and popular TV shows.



Showreels has been a leading production and post-production company in New York City since 2008. Created by The Llama Studio, our team specializes in creating customized marketing materials for actors, performers, and brands, while providing you with guidance and industry insights to boost career opportunities.

Our work has been featured on The Guardian, Pitchfork, TIME Magazine, Nowness, Nylon, Billboard, and The Washington Post.


Turn Your Footage Into a Powerful acting demo Reel

We capture your scenes, help you select the right moments, and enhance the quality of your footage, so the end result is a polished demo reel that effectively showcases your skills and versatility to agents and casting directors.

Film Original CINEMATIC scenes
for your Acting demo reel

Create your acting reel from scratch with a team of professional filmmakers. With over 15 years of expertise in crafting reels, we bring unparalleled creativity, quality, and originality to every project. We produce original cinematic scenes tailored to your typecast and dream roles.



Build your casting profile and Boost your brand

Our actor branding review and mentorship program offers guidance and support, ensuring you're not navigating the industry alone. Connect with seasoned professionals for honest, constructive feedback on your materials, empowering you to shine brighter in your career.

  • Ignite Your Acting Career

    Our experienced industry mentors provide comprehensive guidance, empowering you to ignite their careers through personalized demo reel development and strategic career planning.

  • Top-Quality Scene Productions

    Your talent deserves a professional showcase. We guide you through each and every step of your demo reel creation to help you simplify the process so you can focus on what’s really important : your performance.

  • Demo Reel Dynamite

    Our demo reel creation services ensure your reel is packed with explosive, attention-grabbing footage that leaves casting directors eager to book you for their next project.

  • Brand Brilliance

    We identify and refine your most marketable "it" factor and help you define your unique brand identity, ensuring that your showcase makes a lasting impression on casting directors and industry professionals.

  • Industry Insider Access

    We provide you with insider tips about the casting process, and offer valuable insights, techniques, and tailored-made demo reels to make a lasting impact during this crucial time.

  • Agent Accelerator

    Your fast-track to sought-after representation. We provide you with the tools and resources needed to secure top-tier representation, including tailored demo reels and industry connections.

4.9 star-rated

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